Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Volunteering is hard

Wow, after my first Big 12 volunteer stint, I am wiped out....I pride myself as knowing as much about downtown as anybody, eating, drinking, etc...but when some couple comes up to you and asks point blank, where is a good place to eat and don't have a type of food, every option downtown rushes through my mind.

Young hip couple wants a trendy good place
older couple just wants a good place to eat
other couple wants someplace close and good

ahhhhhhhh....fun seeing some named people like Tom Osborne and Lew Perkins...I'm not using taken aback by people but when Tom Osborne comes up and wants something, you jump to attention.

Fun time, lots of work, but think I did well overall....hope I gave people a good impression of KC.....and this was the SLOW day?  Yikes.

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