Monday, March 10, 2008

It's almost time

Well let me kick off this blog with background and initial Big 12 tournament thoughts.

I'm just one resident of downtown KC.  I've lived downtown for about 7 years now and have experienced the mass changes (for better and worse) that have happened downtown.

I created this blog to give my thoughts as the Big 12 tournament week goes on downtown....if there is any interest, I plan to continue posting about everyday downtown life, which will hopefully give some insight to those who are unfamiliar with living, working, and playing downtown.  I hope you enjoy it.

Now onto the Big 12:

It's Monday of Big 12 tournament week and you can already feel a buzz in the offices and on the streets dontown.  DCID workers (the yellowjackets) have their Big 12 pins on and finishing touches are being put on downtown about to have it's first major test.

During this week, I plan to blog live if interesting things happen and just get the general feel for the atmosphere.  I will be around the arena for all sessions and helping out at various fan information booths at downtown hotels earlier in the week.

If there are things you'd like me to comment on, let me know through the comments portion of the blog and I'll do my best to respond.

My predictions for this week?
- We will hear parking complaints...some will be warranted.
- The P&L district will have rave reviews from tourists and first time visitors, despite it not being completely open....hardly anyone will notice.
- Baylor will win the women's tournament, Texas will win the Men's (I'm a KSU fan just so you know where I'm coming from)

that's it for now....hope everybody has a chance to come down and experience at least a little of the week, it should be a great time.

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