Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Downtown comings and goings

Been awhile since I've posted so figured time to wrap up some comings and goings in and around downtown.

Coming...and pretty excited for all of them.
- Snow and Company headed to the crossroads on Baltimore.  Serving up frozen alcohol.  Should be open in September.  @snowandcompany on twitter.
- Nica's cafe, formerly a hit in southern johnson county, is headed to the old Shiraz spot at 320 Southwest Blvd.  Heard great things about this place.  Opening in August:
- Balsano's - Gelate cafe that just opened in P&L after being kicked out of the Plaza.
- Bar Louie.  Nothing official but Bar Louie confirms they are looking at the P&L.  Want to be open in August.

- Fishnet Security....a homegrown and up and coming security company.  Leaving for the incentive laden pastures of the suburban sprint campus.
- Raglan Road - Supposedly not paying their rent and Cordish is kicking them out.

Some great new places.  Disappointing to see an employer like Fishnet leaving.

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